Please note that in order to register a .fr domain, the Registrant must meet .fr's registration definition of a qualified legal entity or natural persons.
A qualified legal entity:
- Has its head office located in France, or
- Possesses an address in France explicitly listed in the public electronic databases of the registrars of the commercial courts or the National Statistical and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE), or
- Is a government institution or department, local authority or associated establishments, or
- Owns a trademark registered with the National Intellectual Property Institute, or owns a registered EU or international trademark that expressly includes French territory.
A qualified natural person:
- Is of French nationality, or
- Is of foreign nationality who is domiciled in France, or
- Own a trademark registered with the National Intellectual Property Institute, or own a registered EU or international trademark that expressly includes French territory.
Please note that the domain's administrative contact must be based in France. The contact must possess an address in France where they can receive legal and other documents.
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